Friday, May 16, 2008

A jar of cookies...

Sometimes a girl is in the mood for a chocolate chip cookie. Sometimes, a girl craves for one filled with nuts. Occasionally, she would like an oatmeal and raisin cookie. Sometimes, she might go looking for a more exotic one, like a raspberry Viennesse. Sometimes a girl likes it sweet, sometimes she likes it a bit bitter. Sometimes, she likes it full of ingredients. And sometimes, she likes it plain. So, a girl should always keep her cookie jar filled with a variety of cookies to suit all the different sometimes.

A girl bakes some cookies. She decides to experiment a little, and throws in a few extra nuts and some orange flavouring. The cookies come out tasting absolutely delicious. A week later, she decides to bake more cookies. Since her last experiment was successful, she decides to be more adventurous and adds even more ingredients to the mix. The cookies taste horrible and the girl cries for a bit, feeling like a failure. She then gathers herself together, throws out the cookies and makes a promise to herself to try again soon.

A few different cookies live together in a glass jar. They are all good friends. The chocolate chip is the best of friends with the hazelnut. The oatmeal and raisin likes to chat with the chocolate chip about everything and nothing. The dark chocolate is a little shy, but the chocolate chip keeps talking to it and the two are soon sharing secrets. But all these different cookies have different temperaments, and they sometimes get annoyed with each other. Sometimes the chocolate chip refused to talk to the dark chocolate. Sometimes the oatmeal and raisin chose to ignore all the others. Since they all live together, they see each other all the time and this adds to the tension. So, they pop out of the cookie jar occasionally, then come back refreshed and happy. All the cookies in the jar are still good friends.

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