Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Unveiling; The Project Phase 1

A while back, I read a really great [tandem] story, which I shared on my blog here. I was so inspired by this story that I asked ScoMan if he would like to work with me on a tandem story. [Check out his blog, it's really worth reading! He's got great stuff up there. He's really funny too. Click here for one of my favourites from him.] I could go on and on, but then I probably would not get a chance to get into the story. Enter many exclamations of praise for him here and here.
Anyway, he said yes and we've been working on it ever since. We've apparently gone over 5 000 words, and the end is nowhere in sight. We will post the story in parts [since it's way too long for a single post] and here is the first part.
I do hope you enjoy it as much as we both have!

He straightened his tie and looked in the mirror. He'd known for months this day was coming, but the reality that it had finally arrived had not yet sunk in. Even as he was preparing for the days events, he could not fully comprehend what was ahead of him. He didn't realize what it meant for any of them. October 18th would be a day none of them would ever forget.

She looked at the photograph of him on her dresser. She wondered what he was doing and thinking right now. Was he as excited as she was? He was smiling in the photo, caught in a moment of candid happiness. She loved his smile. She loved his laugh. She glanced at the dress waiting for her on the bed. She should really start getting ready.

He checked his watch. He knew she wouldn't be ready yet. She always got ready in a frantic rush at the last minute, and always managed to take his breath away. Her beauty was effortless. He checked his watch again. If he was going to be at the airport when his mothers plane landed he'd have to leave soon. She'd never taken much interest in meeting his girlfriends in the past. Maybe after 18 months, she knew how serious he was this time.

She picked up the dress, then hesitated. Was it right for this special occasion? It was important to her that everything was perfect today. She checked her watch. Ooops, she thought. She was running a bit behind. If she was late it wouldn't matter how perfect the dress was. She slipped it on and hoped it wouldn't clash with what he was wearing. If he were here, he'd probably nag at her to hurry up. And people thought women were nags.

He got in his car and started heading towards her place. He hoped she was ready. He knew if they were late to the airport, his mother would never let them hear the end of it. Today had to be perfect. It was the day the two most important people in his life would finally meet. He fiddled with the radio. He needed to find something to take his mind off today. "If I don't think about it, I won't stress about it" he thought to himself.

She heard the car approaching. She grabbed her bag and shoes and ran down the stairs. She hated to keep anyone waiting. When the car stopped, she was already at the door, slipping her shoes on. She waved and climbed into the car, noting happily that his tie and shirt didn't clash with her dress. He looked wonderful.

He was pleased she was ready for him when he arrived. She looked perfect. He loved the dress she had chosen for today. If she had let him select the outfit for her (he had volunteered to do so in a moment of panic), that is the dress he would have picked. He scolded himself for being so worried. She'd never let him down before, and she knew how important today was to him. Though it wasn't just important to him he thought, it was her day too.

"I'm so nervous," she told him. "And I'm absolutely starving! I missed breakfast because I was too nervous to eat. Oh gosh, when I meet her the first thing she'll hear is my stomach rumbling!" She began rummaging through her purse but all she found was some lozenges. "Lasagna would be so good right now, " she sighed. She knew she should have listened to her friends and just forced herself to have a few bites before she left.

Oh, guess who wrote which part? =P


ScoMan said...

Thank you for your kind words!

I have enjoyed working with you thus far!

Badriyyah said...

Despite me being a meanie at times? =P
I have enjoyed working with you too, especially our recent game of word ping pong.

ScoMan said...

Haha you're only mean when you set me challenges. Life is supposed to be easy.

What? It isn't? Oh no!

Badriyyah said...

Oh, dear. Have I disillusioned you now? Have I shattered the dream that life is easy? =P

ScoMan said...

You certainly have.

I don't know how I'll get out of bed tomorrow morning thinking about how hard the day might possibly be.