Friday, February 20, 2009

Just Around The Corner

   Hi. Let me start by introducing myself. I have no name, but I do exist. I have no form, yet I have power and strength. My presence may not be welcomed, and in fact, most people reject me. But I am here.

   I am the darkness inside. 
   Right now, I am inside her and I am growing stronger by the day. She feels me and she fights me. Sometimes she wins and I retreat, but I am never gone. I am always here, and always waiting for the day when she no longer has the strength and will to reject me. More and more, she is struggling. She feels my grip on her and she is afraid. I know her every thought. 
   I know when she looks in the mirror sometimes she hates what she sees. She refuses to accept that she is the person in the mirror. She thinks she should change her hair, or lose weight - anything to change the image staring back at her. But she is lying to herself. I know why she hates what she sees. It has nothing to do with her hair or weight or complexion. For you see, she sees me now. She sees me in her empty eyes and unsmiling mouth.
   And it frightens her. 
   When she feels me holding her heart, she pushes me away. She keeps me away by trying to smile and laugh. Sometimes she stops fighting for a while and I can feel her suffocate. She wants to go far away from here because she thinks she can leave me behind. But I know she feels me in her blood - a fact that brings her much despair.
   She feels weak, yet she keeps hoping. I know she is struggling to fight me off, yet she puts a smile on her face when she has to face the world. She is a rather interesting person.
   Perhaps I shall wait a little while longer before completely consuming her.


ScoMan said...

It sounds like your battling your inner-"Matt"

I know when he tries to consume me, first he works on ending my friendships, then he works on ending me.

To make him go away it helps to know that people care about me, and so you know Badriyyah, I care about you =D

Badriyyah said...

Thanks, Scott! You're just the sweetest.
Matt's got nothing on you.