Thursday, February 5, 2009

When Even Google Doesn't Have The Answers

How do you catch up when you've been left so far behind?

How do you fill in the missing pieces when you have no idea where or what those missing pieces are?

How do you stay strong enough to keep going?


ScoMan said...

Google doesn't have the answers? Have you asked Wikipedia? Although those are some tough questions, it might not know either.

The best way to stay strong enough to keep going it to draw strength from friends, family, or a DVD marathon. Whatever makes you happy.

Badriyyah said...

Wikipedia doesn't have the answers either.
However, I still love it and Google, because it provides me with endless cupcake recipes.
Thanks for the advice. Right now I feel like caving into myself. Even Orlando Bloom doesn't help.

ScoMan said...

Right now I'm having an extremely thorough cleaning / watching a lot of movies weekend myself. It's what I do when I need to drown out the voices in my head and forget about the world around me.