Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fire! Fire!

True story.

This happened when I was in my final year as a student in Swansea.
I was happily minding my own business [gasp, gasp, yes, I can mind my own business!], and playing Solitaire on my laptop [now, dead, may its pieces rest in peace].
I look out the window and what do I see?
Thick, almost-black smoke coming from the neighbour's house.
Now, any normal person would jump out of that chair and run outside to see what was going on.
Not me.
Oh, no. I continued to stare out that window for a few more minutes.
I think I was waiting for one of my housemates to run down the stairs screaming.
Oh, but wait. Only three bedrooms face the back garden - mine, the room directly above mine and the room at the back of the house. And those two were never in anyway.
So, I slowly got out of that chair and walked [not run] to the back garden to check if there really was a fire.
Yes, there was a huge fire. Huh.
So, I walked quickly back to my room and looked out the window again. Yup, smoke still there.
Now, this is where I get incredibly silly. I still can't believe I did what I did. I was trying to decide what to take with me in case the fire spread and burned down our house. Laptop, of course and passport and my purse.
The essentials, right?
Then, I had this thought. If indeed the house burned down, I wanted to make sure I had a nice outfit on [if it were to be the only outfit I saved]. So I changed. All the while the smoke is still billowing outside my window.
Although nobody seems to be doing anything about it. The neighbours didn't seem to be running around trying to put out the fire, which confused me.
So I ran up to my housemate's room and told her about the fire.
What did she do?
She came downstairs with me, looked at it... and laughed.
Because of course, it was only a bonfire. They were burning rubbish or wood or whatever.
I was burning too... with embarrassment.
But hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, you're missing out on a lot of laughter, right?

P/S Just a little something to keep you entertained while I'm away finishing this thing I'm working on, which is really great. I have no idea when it will be finished though as my partner and I are really loving it and stretching it out. Hopefully, you'll love it as much as we're loving it.


ScoMan said...

I love this story. So good of you to share an embarassing moment with us.

I think if I saw fire out my window, I would just shrug and go "It's probably supposed to be like that" and keep doing what I was doing.

Badriyyah said...

Thanks. I've got way more embarrassing moments, but I think I shall keep them to myself. Lol.

That's what I should have done... although that's dangerous if there really was a raging fire. Haha.

`` said...

this reminds me of the time i had to call the fire dept. over to my house. while waiting for them (and this was in the morning, belum mandi lagi), i made sure to wash off the little dots of zit cream i had on my face from the night before. also thanked my lucky stars that i shaved my legs everyday.

i'm sure the firemen appreciated my efforts.


Badriyyah said...

I'm sure they did, indeed.