Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hit The Pedal To The Metal

My driving instructor was a rather difficult man. He loved to smoke while I was driving [and I just loathe the smell of cigarettes, but I was too terrified to ask him not to do it] and insisted on holding my foot down with a stick when he was teaching me how to do my balancing on the little 'hill'. [Not that I blame him. The first couple of times up that hill resulted in my car going backwards down that hill with me screaming my head off and him yelling at me not to swing my steering wheel around.]

Anyhoo... that's all in the past. I am now a licensed driver and have been since February. And despite the rough start, I'm a pretty good driver now. So, I suppose my instructor did a pretty good job.

But that's not the point of this post.

I suddenly remembered an episode of Ellen that I saw months ago, which really made me laugh. I love Ellen. She always cracks me up. Anyway, in that episode, Ellen had gone to a driving school and was taking some of the students for a drive.

She stopped by an ice-cream drive-through [I think it was Baskin Robbins?], and bought about 4 ice-creams and they put it in a cardboard tray thingy for her. So, Ellen happily drove off and ate her ice-cream. This is the following conversation that ensued [the gist of it, I can't remember her exact words, obviously].

Student: Isn't that dangerous?
Ellen: Oh, no, no.
Student: Are you sure?
Ellen: Yes. You're not supposed to drink and drive. That's dangerous. But you can eat and drive.
Student: Oh.

I was in hysterics. If I tried to eat while driving, my instructor probably would have whacked me with his stick.


ScoMan said...

A stick? That's a bit rough.

Mine just yelled a lot.

Badriyyah said...

Well, he never actually physically hurt me. Apart from the cigarettes, that is.
I pretty much tuned him out after a while, anyway. Lol.
They probably teach them to yell a lot at the driving academy. "Yell at your students so they know what road rage is like..." or something like that.