Friday, March 13, 2009

Being Fabulous Takes Up 99% Of My Time

Forgive me then if I sleep a lot. It's exhausting being fabulous.

I've been meaning to get to this for a while now...
But as usual, I was... blablablabla...

ScoMan has deemed me to be fabulous! I'm so flattered, I'm blushing fabulously. =P Thanks, ScoMan!
Now, as is customary, when one receives an award, one must give a speech. The speech for receiving this particular award requires the recipient to list 5 addictions, which I shall fabulously do now.
My 5 addictions, some of which make my life so fabulous, include:
  1. Writing. My coping mechanism that helps me deal with the drama. My catharsis for my constantly tempestuous emotions. My lifeline when I'm drowning. My true loyal companion through every step of the way.
  2. Reading. See above.
  3. Facebook. Fabulously entertaining me through those restless hours. And keeping me in touch with friends while allowing me to stalk some. =D
  4. Crisps. Once I pop, I just can't stop. Well, technically, I'm addicted to Walker's, so it's more like once I tear into the packet, I can't tear myself away until it's empty.
  5. Pampering sessions. Aromatherapy, bubble baths, shopping - all those little things to make me feel good.
Now to pass this on to 5 other fabulous bloggers:
  1. A'a... from Dorothy, Eat Your Heart Out!
  2. Maryam... from The Swanny Times
  3. Adib... from A Corner Of My Soul
  4. Nicole... from Me, Myselves And I
  5. Cheryl... from Confessions Of A Twenty Something Year Old


ScoMan said...

Because I comment on each of your blogs, so that mean I'm too stalkerish?

Well, I don't mind, call me what you like, I'll comment anyway!

And I didn't deem you fabulous, I just acknowledged your fabulousness.

Badriyyah said...

Oh, my bad.

Yes, you acknowledged my fabulousness.

P/S I know I still haven't gotten around to the 'Lemonade Award'.

greenfloss said...

I'll try to make it on Tues ok fabuloussssss!:P

Lovee youuuuuu!

Badriyyah said...

Love you too!