Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Welcome To The Puppet Show

A string pulls me in the opposite direction. I go stiff and try to dig my feet into the ground. But I guess I didn't dig deep or hard enough. Or maybe the force behind the string is too strong to resist. I go flying across the wind, wishing the ground was quicksand that will hold me down firmly.

No such luck.
So I land at your feet. You said, "Let's go."
I nod and follow because that's where the string is leading me.
Ah, you're not a bad person. You can't help who and what you are.
I think I'm not such a bad person. But I am who and what I am.
I've been called into play. And play I shall.
Because it's not always about me. The captain needs to rest. And rest he shall.
So I give you a big smile. I take the string and begin to skip.
Welcome to the puppet show.


ScoMan said...

Life is interesting when there is someone else pulling your strings, and all you have to do is play the part.

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Wow, what a great post. Very well written. I heart your blog. =)

Badriyyah said...

scott: wish i got paid to play the part though like the hollywood actresses get paid. some of these parts are tough!

Badriyyah said...

ChinkyGirlMel: wow, thanks! that just made my day!