Monday, September 29, 2008

War Of The Notebooks

Me:   Hey, I got the coolest notebook today.

Him: Really? Who got it for you?
Me:   (confused) I got it for me. It's really cute. It's pink.
Him: You got a notebook? (even more confused) Where from?
Me:   The bookshop. Where else?
Him: Oh, you mean, a notebook. Not a Notebook.
Me:   (thoroughly confused by now) Yes, that's what I said. (the penny drops) Oh. You thought...
Him: Yeah.
Me:   No. How on earth would I be able to afford a new laptop? 

The battle between myself [a wannabe writer] and him [a computer geek].
I shall emerge as the victor!


Anonymous said...

hmm :p macam cerita kat umah kitak jak tok? :p

Badriyyah said...

sik tauk? =O