Sunday, November 23, 2008

Caught Again! 8 Things

I've been tagged by ScoMan.
Here are the rules for this tagyou'reit game:
  1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag eight people and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.
  4. If you have already been tagged and do not wish to go through the exercise then let the taggee know.
Here we go. These are my eight random facts/habits about myself:
  1. I just had a dream that I went shoe shopping with my mom and she told me I could only buy two pairs of shoes, then presented me with her 5 favourite pairs. I was torn between these snakeskin heels and leopard print flats, as well as brown heels with embroidered flowers. Then suddenly I was in a car with my friend and the car behind us was tailing us, so we called the police. But then the car behind us cut in front of us and drove off and when the policeman asked for my details, I refused to answer him and kind of hung up on him. This led to them showing up at my house. Freaky, right?
  2. I like 'Project Runway' and 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' and other 'reality' TV shows.
  3. This is the third time I've been tagged this week. Haha. I'm still working on the other two.
  4. I am obsessed with 'Pet Society' on Facebook. And 'Fashion Wars'.
  5. I've just started reading James Patterson's 'Double Cross' and am already hooked, as usual. That man is a genius.
  6. Right now, I wish I had woken up earlier so I could have joined my friend on her shopping expedition at Pavilion. I love the shop that sells those really cute and cheap hair bands/Alice bands. 
  7. I'm struggling to come up with these eight facts.
  8. I want to find out ScoMan's real name. Haha. Sorry, but I'm so intrigued by this.
Now I tag:


ScoMan said...

My name is Scott Mangan.

Because I enjoy playing with words, one day I was playing with the letters in my name (for example, Matt N Cosgan is an anagram of my name) and I took the first three letters of each of my names, and then, ScoMan was born.

Badriyyah said...

Oh, and here I thought ScoMan was short for Scorpio Man.
Nice to meet you, Scott. =P