Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kung-Fu Panda

So, I had my first kick-boxing lesson on Monday night.

We stepped in and saw men and women putting on their hand wraps and boxing gloves, and I got a bit intimidated.
There they were, looking all professional and there I was, praying I wouldn't topple over after the first 10 minutes [I didn't. So, yey!]
We registered, blabla, then the instructor came over. He led us over to The Ring. Woohooo... we got to step into an actual ring. I was all pumped up and channeling Hillary Swank in Million Dollar Baby.
He took us through the warm-up and stretching... then came, The Kicking.
I couldn't really kick much because my knee was still hurting [from dance class - I know, so unfit!], and he didn't push me. But I felt very empowered all the same, even though the kicking bag barely made any sound when my foot came into contact with it. Oh, and I might have kicked when he hadn't told us to yet as the "Wait for me to tell you" line popped up a couple of times.
And I might have nearly gotten kicked by him a couple of times when I moved the bag before I was supposed to. [I was just spaced out by then. Hah, bet he regretted picking me as his partner.]
Then it was time for, The Punching.
Yeeeaaaaahhh... cue me walking around with boxing gloves feeling like a kid playing dress-up. Of course, the moment the gloves came on is the precise moment my shoulder started to itch. Gah.
Apart from the little incident where I accidentally punched my instructor while trying to execute the roundhouse punch [oh, and him telling me my elbows were nowhere near high enough], I thought it went pretty well. Even though he had to show me quite a few times how to punch properly. [I didn't know how to position my hands in those bulky gloves!]
I loved it!
I cannot wait for next week's class. [The instructor might run off in the opposite direction when he sees me. Not that I would blame him.]
Another thing I can check off my 'Things I Absolutely Must Try In Life' list.
I wonder if my friends would like to join me at the shooting range? I would love to learn how to fire a gun. [Don't ask. It's a Lara Croft/Charlie's Angels thing.]


ScoMan said...

First of all, kudos on the not falling over, you have done well.

Second, I think kick boxing would be a fun thing to do, but my poor knee wouldn't be up to it I don't think. Good on you for getting in there though.

Badriyyah said...

My knee could barely cope with a dance lesson. Haha. Took over a week for it to get better. We'll see how the second lesson goes as they were easy on us the first time. I might end up fleeing the class in a flood of tears. Hmmm...
It is fun, though! Gets all the stress out. =P

`` said...

I've had my share of fun at the shooting range. I actually miss it (therapeutic purposes..).

My brain just drew a blank; lost my thought. Rrr...

Anyway :) Whether you realize it or not, you provide me with motivation to stay on this track of getting the ol' body back.
(although it doesn't help that I just bought 4 bloody boxes of durian dodol from the asian market *sigh* what?? i've been craving it!)

Badriyyah said...

ooohhh... durian dodol? sounds yummy! i love this durian cake from secret recipe. so fluffy and yummy! drool... no. must. resist. temptation.
lol. me, inspire you? i haven't been very good lately, cheated the diet here and there. gah.
oh, well, slow and steady wins the race.

`` said...

all things in moderation dear. that's how i do it anyway. no use forbidding things cuz it only backfires on me. :)

Badriyyah said...

I figured I'd focus on getting fit first, then worry about losing the weight.
I had my second lesson on Monday night and it was fab. Hehe. I nearly collapsed at the part when we did crunches, but at least I managed to sort of keep up.
So, woo hoo!
How's the job going?

`` said...

job's going well :) i already hate going to work. LOL. how terrible am i huh ;)

Badriyyah said...

All part of being a darn adult. Blarh.