Thursday, November 6, 2008

Namanamanamana... NaBloPoMo

I decided to join in the frenzy of NaBloPoMo. It will give me that little extra motivation to work a little harder on my writing. Or at least, give me something else to do besides eating chocolates and watching The Simpsons reruns.

On that note, I thought I'd make some other changes as well [I make resolutions on my birthday, not on New Year's. My birthday is my New Year's]. I bought a skipping rope to motivate myself to exercise more, and get fit. My friends and I have also decided to join a dance class and a kick-boxing class, which should be good to burn off any excess shopping cravings.

I'll probably be too exhausted to hit the shops after the classes. So, that takes care of getting fitter and spending less. Taking part in NaBloPoMo should take care of my resolution to write more. So, that leaves the finding a suitable job bit. Which I'm also working on.

Hah. 27-year old me will be proud to face the world next year because of all the things 26-year old me will achieve this coming year. Get ready! I'm... coming... out... [Not that coming out.]

First, to sleep and get a good night's rest. Oh, and I hope I don't collapse after 5 minutes of kick-boxing.

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